Saturday, February 7, 2009

Meat and Potato Quiche

It's been fun sifting through old recipes stored in a large tin. I've saved not only recipes but interesting and helpful information like the 1951 publication "Colonic Irrigations: Painless, Pleasant, Healthful". I'm sure you'll be horrified to learn that Constipation is a Curse to Civilized Peoples or that Slow Elimination Means Slow Decay of Mind and Body. Yes indeedy, if you're suffering from a variety of ailments, including but not limited to biliousness, colds, asthma, nervousness, rheumatism, appendicitis, insomnia or high blood pressure, perhaps the only solution lies in an effective colonic irrigation! And remember, you heard it here first.

So how about we follow up that appetizing bit of information with a recipe? What, you're no longer hungry? How can that be? Maybe I can tempt you with this, though.

3 Tablespoons oil
3 cups shredded potatoes
1 cup swiss cheese
3/4 cup cooked, chopped meat - your choice
1/4 cup onion
1 cup light cream
2 eggs
salt & pepper

Mix oil and shredded potatoes and press into pie pan to form shell. Bake at 425 for 15 minutes.
Layer swiss cheese, meat and onion in shell.
Mix cream, eggs, salt & pepper and pour over other ingredients in shell.
Bake at 425 for 30 minutes until set.

And it's not true that real men don't eat quiche no matter what you've heard. So this recipe is perfectly acceptable to serve to husbands and sons.

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